Thursday 23 October 2008


Although we created a storyboard for filming we did not completely stick to what we had planned. We filmed extra shots that were not included originally, this is because whilst filming we saw shots that we thought would be effective and relevant to the thriller theme.
When planning for filming we had to think about our health and safety and asses any hazards we may encounter. This included setting alight to a newspaper article. We made sure we were in a safe place, off college property, and in the worst case scenario we had a bucket of water.
We ensured we used the tripod in all shots as this made sure the quality of shots was higher and they were steady in the frame.
Some parts of our thriller sequence were more difficult to film than others for example the crossing of the road shot. This was partly because we only had four people and at the time of day it was difficult to find other people to shoot as lessons were commencing.
As we needed shots that were not available in or around college grounds we took the camera home with us to shoot shots such as writing on the wall and doors opening and closing.
Overall we believe that our filming went well and we have produced some interesting and relevant shots. We hope that our final piece comes out well.



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